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The original manuals for your
Yamaha DX - Synthesizer :

Currently there are the original manuals
for the following instruments available:

Yamaha DX1 (7.200 kb*)
including the Data sheets

Yamaha DX11 (7.000 kb*)
including the Data sheets

Yamaha DX100 (2.300 kb)

Yamaha DX5 (4.100 kb)
including the Data sheets

Yamaha DX7 (7.200 kb*)
including the Data sheets

Yamaha DX7S (3.390 kb)
including the Data sheets

Yamaha DX7II (E) and FD (4.200 kb*)
including the Data sheets

Yamaha DX9 (2.900 kb)
including the Data sheets

Yamaha KX1 (264 kb)

Yamaha KX5 (1.200 kb)

Yamaha KX88 (2.700 kb)

Yamaha TX1P (1.500 kb)

Yamaha TX7 (6.100 kb*)
including the Data sheets

Yamaha TX216 / 816 (900 kb*)

Yamaha TX81Z (3.800 kb*)
including the Data sheets

The manuals are provided freely as PDF files upon request,
all of them are copyrighted material by yamaha.

If you can share about 100 MB ftp for the DX1 wic,
I´ll let you host all of them for direct downloading.

*We no longer send the manuals to those "free mailboxes"
like yahoo, hotmail, gmx or similar,
because ALL of them
have a 5MB limit (or below)

File size as mentioned above, please check if
your mailbox can handle this BEFORE ordering.

send your request to:

you should get an answer very soon, please be patient






we have completed our archives



If you have the missing
manuals for:

Yamaha DX7IIC gold
Yamaha CSDX

please let us know,
also if you are willing
to sell such gear !







We also provide flyers
and brochures here at
Yamaha DX1 w.i.c.


You can reach these
files by clicking here
or you search for
similar article in
the help section.



                         DX inside :)